Translator (Englisch>German) (Native Speaker) needed


About our Company Apprise Software is a global leader in consumer goods distribution software. From our headquarters in North America, and global locations in Asia, Australia and Europe, Apprise Software provides whole business solutions, support and services for hundreds of companies responsible for bringing some of the world's most recognizable consumer brands to market every day.
Our Apprise® enterprise software application is designed for consumer goods manufacturers and distributors whose products are sold through leading retailers around the world. Industry specific tools and functionality, combined with the latest technology and best practice standards, help companies maximize their operational efficiency and profitability. Position Description As a translator at Apprise Software, you will be a member of the translating team working to localize our product from English to German language. We are seeking native speakers of German language to provide professional translation service. Internship is possible and very welcomed! Job Requirements The job requires a systematic approach to languages, the ability to deal with ambiguities and reframe them in the different context of your respective target language, this also involves at best a thorough understanding of linguistics and grammatical metastructure. Skills for autonomous research about the field ERP are also needed. The successful candidate must be disciplined, self-motivated, a team player, and take exceptional pride in the quality of his or her work. Candidates should fulfill the following requirements: Bachelor´s degree/ studying to obtain a bachelor's degree (Philology is a big advantage). Native speaker of German language. Proficient in English (at least C1). Strong language skills in both languages; profound proficiency of written skills. Must be willing to learn new technologies as needed. Current residence in Brno. Professional involvement in at least one of the following fields: translation, comprehensive text production, teaching of languages is a big plus. Starting date: ASAP Contact Information Please send your resume and cover letter to and reference "Translation Specialist (German language)" in the subject line of your e-mail.

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