Global Company - one of the leading international
translation agencies providing global business services in over 170 languages.
We supply a wide range of languages in professional translation,
interpretation, website translation, subtitling, voice-overs and staffing
solution, with thousands of personnel in many countries across the America,
Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe.
At present, we are seeking 1 Polish -
German interpreter in Germany as the following details: - Language pair: Polish
- German - Location: Bad Salzuflen – Germany - MOW Fair 2014 - Specialization:
Furniture/ Interior - Date & Time: 14 – 18.09.2014, 9a.m – 6p.m - Travel
costs from your location in Germany to the MOW Fair 2014 will be covered by the
If you are keen on working on our project, please send us your CV and
preferred rate in the two following options to or Skype:
expertrans.44: 1. Interpretation rate (per hour or day) including accommodation
fees 2. Interpretation rate (per hour or day) excluding accommodation fees
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need more details. I look forward to
hearing from you as soon as possible. Sincerely Yours, Chloe, Nguyen Skype: expertrans.44